Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday Night Update

We have some good news from the doctors. Mike and Brenda got a chance today to talk to all of the -ologists who are taking care of Jamie, and the doctors say Jamie is making some progress. Jamie is still in a holding pattern, but that's okay for right now because he has a lot of healing to do.

After increasing his sedation for a little while last night and this morning, the doctors now have him off sedation again. He is drowsy from the pain medicine, but he squeezed our hands at 5pm, and he reacts to his visitors' voices. The nurses are able to get him to open his eyes for a little while. With the help of some Tylenol and a cooling blanket, Jamie's temperature is staying steady around 100 or 101.

Everyone's prayers are really making a difference. I told Jamie that there are a lot of people praying for him, and that everyone is checking on him on his website and thinking of him all the time.


Anonymous said...

Great news! Thank you so much for the updates. I look forward to visiting Jamie and family tomorrow afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Jamie! Our prayers and thoughts continue for you and your family. Thank you for the update.

Anonymous said...

Mike and Brenda,
The VanNote's are keeping Jamie in our prayers. Ashlyn and Ellie are very concerned about your son. They enjoy hearing about his daily progress. The girls are asking so many questions. We will continue praying for him. It sounds like you and your family are surrounded by so much love and many prayers. This is a great website. Love, Rick, Lisa, Ashlyn, Ellie and Carly VanNote HLUMC

jane mendlik said...

Just a note to let you know that the whole Mendlik family is praying for the whole Solty family. We just live down the road, so if there is anything we can do, we would be honored.

Jane and Gerhard

Anonymous said...

The Walkers & Priorys are remembering all of you in our prayers. We were talking about praying for Jamie and our little Mackenzie put her hands together to pray! Much love to you all. We look forward to hearing of each day's blessings for Jamie. God is certainly walking with each one of you.

Anonymous said...

Mike & Brenda,
We are praying everyday. Our family knows the power of prayer. This website is very helpful and Mary John's emails have kept Jamie's progress and need for prayer in the forefront of our thoughts each day. We will continue to pray, hope and think of Jamie and all of you.
Love Jim, Amy & Olivia Stockwell

Anonymous said...

Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.