Uncle Jamie and Henry
Tomoka and Jamie
Sweet Kiss
On the way home from visiting a friend on Sunday July 15th 2007, Jamie, age 27, hit a slick spot on an off- ramp hydroplaned and hit the guard rail. As Jamie got out of his car to inspect the damage, another car also hydroplaned and Jamie was hit. He is now in critical care. This blog is our attempt to keep everyone informed of his recovery and a place for you to leave your well wishes and prayers to Jamie and his family.
Love that hair man!! I think we should all get that do..it's hot!
And Tomoka is so pretty!
Lucky guy...
Hope to see you this week!
Tomoka is beautiful. The pictures were so great. He looks like he is well on his way to having "everything put back together again!" YOUR NEIGHBOR Carolyn Baucom
Jamie -- I am thrilled that you look so great! Tomoka is so lovely; I know that she was as glad to see you as you were to see her. Keep healin' we'll keep prayin' Jane, Jack and Aaron
What a lucky fellow you are! Tomoka is beautiful - loved that sweet kiss! I still think that the curly hair should be put in "spit curls"! Keep improving - food and beer are getting closer, we'll keep praying! love, m
Glad to see Jamie looking so strong!
We continue to pray for your complete healing!
Wow...I have been checking this blog everyday and I can't believe the great progress! Jamie, We are praying and thinking good thoughts for you! I can see what a strong and determined person you are! We are all the way in California but with you in spriit! We will continue to pray for you!!
Love, Bitsy and Keith
Hey Jamie,
We're so glad you're doing better! After you're back on top of your game we'll have to go to karaoke together! You can be anarchy, and I'll be hungry like the wolf... ;)
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