Thursday, August 9, 2007

Thursday- Update

Jamie is now in his own room! He was moved late yesterday afternoon. He didn't sleep too well last night and I think it was because now that he's out of a ward-type setting, there aren't as many 'beeps' from everyone's monitors! He is doing well, just very restless.

He had physical therapy this morning and was able to get into a sitting position briefly. We're not sure when the swallow test will be--could be today or tomorrow. We'll keep you posted on that front.

And we're still just waiting and seeing on how his right foot continues to heal. It's holding it's own right now.

Thanks again for your continued thoughts/comments and prayers!


Anonymous said...

Great news! Could you post an address where we could start to send cards to Jamie? We continue to prayer boldly for a full recovery. Blessings, Jane, Jack and Aaron

Anonymous said...

Jamie, we should throw you a keg party for your graduation from transitional to your own "dorm room!"
What is the new room number? Do you have preferred visiting times?
Eagerly awaiting news on the fate of the nose tube,

Anonymous said...

See you tomorrow - can't wait to see you! What amazing progress you have made in only 3 weeks! Now for the fun to begin - sorry - the girls and I had wine tonight, no beer...
love, m

Anonymous said...

Hey man, glad to hear about your progress! I could tell you are well on the way to recovery when your Dad said to say something and you said, "something" Cackle!!!
BTW, I haven't forgotten how many times you beat me in thumbwrestling. Prayers are on the way for "The Conqueror".
Duke & Barb

Anonymous said...

Can you let us know Jamie's room number, and times it would be good to visit?
I know he's going to get a lot of visitors, and we don't want to overwhelm him...
Can't wait to see him!

Anonymous said...

Brenda and all, I have been following Jamie and praying ever since I heard of the accident. There are surely others of us offering silent prayers, as is evidenced from his continued progress. My prayers are with all of you as well as his health providers.
Deb Bevilacqua