Saturday, August 4, 2007

Saturday Morning

Jamie has been moved to a transitional room! He has new less restrictive visiting hours. What wonderful news.

Last night he had a new CAT scan and was making very good progress.

Also his vascular system is looking very good.

As the doctors were moving his left leg Jamie felt pain and said ouch, this is just wonderful he can feel on his left side! What wonderful news.

More to come as the day progresses.


Anonymous said...

Who would have thought we would be thankful that Jamie feels pain? Unceasing prayers for continued healing and praise for all that God has healed. love, m

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news. Go Jamie, Go. I still believe and continue to pray for a FULL recovery. Carole and Woody

Anonymous said...

Jamie and family, You continue to be in our hearts and prayers daily. I am totally amazed at Jamie's rate of recovery. Thank you God! What lovely daily miracles! Your strength and love are such a testament to your faith. Peace and prayers, Jane and Jack and Aaron

Brooke said...

Haleluja! What amazing progress! We will keep praying for a full recovery.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Jamie is in a transitional room! We'll round up the crew and visit him asap!

Token Fat Guy said...

Heather and I both thank you for the update. See you at work on Wed.