Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A good day

I'm typing this post with a special one-handed keyboard so please  
forgive any typos...

Wow, August just flew by.... and guess what? I went the whole month  
without any trips to the hospital!  I hope this trend continues.

Meg and I have been making good progress... my walking speed is  
picking up gradually and I can get up steps consistently without the  
cane.. coming down steps is harder.. sometimes I can do it... and  
sometimes... I've had two minor falls in therapy... I think they  
scared Meg more than me... thankfully, I wasn't hurt and Meg was quick 
to order me back up and "get on the horse!"

I have been using the electrical-stimulation device at home for a  
couple weeks now.. my grip and elbow movements are improving nicely...  
finger extension remains elusive... hopes are high...

I reached another big milestone today... I went to work!  It was great  
to see everyone (and meet some new faces)  While looking at some code  
I realized my brain is in as good a shape as my arms and legs.. it's  
going to take a lot of work to get back into working condition... I'm  
really tired and will have to get in bed early tonight.  We're going  
to try working one day a week for a while which will hopefully  
rehablitate my unused neurons....

Tomoka comes in two weeks!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

woefully overdue update

ow.  Long time no see, huh?  You'd think a web designer (even brain- 
damaged) wouldn't let his domain lapse.. My apologies to anyone who  
visited the other day only to get a strange error screen.  It's been a  
long time and there are many things to cover-- some good, some bad.

Bad things first.  I did spend 4 days in April in the hospital.  I  
developed a blood clot in my left leg.  Turns out I have a genetic  
condition that makes me more prone to blood clots.  This sounds scary  
but is easily manageable; I'll be on blood thinners for a few years  
and need to avoid inactivity.  That second part has become more  
difficult cause of my recent weight gain (many people say I look  
better now).  I now weigh about 170 and can actually float in the pool  
(an interesting and enjoyable benefit).  My BMI is still in the  
healthy range and I'm working to keep it there.  I know I've said this  
before, but that was the last trip to the hospital, serious this  
time.  The other bit of bad news, the doctor doesn't expect me to  
recover the use of my left hand.  This was heartbreaking for about 5  
minutes until I decided he was wrong.  I've started working with an  
occupational therapist in Winston-Salem.  We're using a hand device  
that lets me do therapy while getting electrical stimulation.  The  
therapist doesn't believe the device will lead to full recovery of my  
hand, she does think it may let me regain the ability to open my left  
hand and grasp objects.  I'm going to rent the device for a few months  
and continue therapy on my own at home.

Okay, onto the good things that have happened since last post.  Tomoka  
came to visit for 2 weeks in April and that was wonderful.   We  
attended Lisa's (co-worker) wedding, so I got to introduce Tomoka to  
everyone and finally see the new work-place (it is awesome.) Tomoka  
is coming for 2 weeks in September which is greatly anticipated (and will
give us time to plan a more permanent stay).  I've been doing a lot of work
at church with Meg, a music therapist.  She's getting me to move my left  
arm more,read treble clef and play piano.  I occasionally inflict my  
singing on her.  We are making good progress (except for the singing)  
and had a great break-through on May 20th when we realized I CAN  
WALK!  I've been walking everyday since then.  I'm still slow and  
working on things like posture/balance and the ability to get up and  
down steps on my own.  I've joined the YMCA and workout with Dad a  
couple times a week.  So that's great news.  I still have a long way  
to go, and we have a plan for getting there.  Hope you are well.
I'll be here counting the days until Tomoka comes.

Sunday, March 9, 2008


hey look, a webpage.. guess I better update it.

The botox injection for my shoulder didn't happen.  It was postponed until this Tuesday.

I took a vision test for driving and it didn't go so well.  while my reading was okay, my field of vision is still diminished on the left side and my depth perception was off.  I've been playing driving games on the xbox and if it's any indication I'm not ready to get behind the wheel.
I have enjoyed a few showers.. my toes are all healed and the hot water feels fantastic.  
Our dog, Puella, had surgery this week and is recovering now.  She had a small lump removed... nothing life-threatening ... just something boxers her age are prone to.  It will be a week or so until she's back to normal.. for now she's kind of slow and pathetic.  I can sympathize with her and the pains of post-surgery recovery.  
Therapy continues slowly.  My walking is improving.. My cadence is picking up and I'm getting very close to using a cane.  My therapist wants me to take over therapy for my left arm.  I'm trying to find activities I can manage with an immobile left hand.. hitting light switches and opening doors.  We also have to keep my shoulder stretched which means letting dad inflict pain on me frequently.

Please add Puella to your prayers and hopefully she'll be back to her old playful-self soon. Thanks.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

sunday post

That's another busy week done.  Tuesday was hopefully my last trip to the ER.  I had a seizure in the morning.  We were warned it could happen when I got out of the hospital.  So I had a quick ambulance ride, got a few injections and was home that afternoon.  The medicine should prevent it from happening again.  The wound on my big toe has shrunk to a fraction of a centimeter in size.  Hopefully, this will be the final week that I have to go to the hyperbaric chamber and I can get into the bath at the end of the week.
Tomoka sent me a very thoughtful package with a cool new shirt and some pictures.  It's not much, but I cooked up a simple webpage with some of the pictures at

Therapy continues slow and steady.  I get botox injections this Tuesday to help my left shoulder mobility.  There's been some talk of driving evaluations but nothing concrete yet (I'm a bit apprehensive about driving again) so I'm not sure when that will happen or if I'm ready for it yet.  I'm planning to practice with video games first once I get to GameStop and do some shopping.  That's all for now.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

overdue update

As a few of you have kindly pointed out, it's time for an update.
Things are progressing slowly but surely.  I'm using the walker to get around the house more.  
My balance has improved enough that I can stand by myself and brush my teeth, wash my hands and make a pot of coffee.  Going to the bathroom is much more private now.  
I had one unfortunate and painful fall so I'm not ready for a cane yet though I want to move up to one eventually.
I've been getting daily treatments in a hyperbaric chamber for the surgical wound on my foot.  The good news is that it's working; the wounds on my smaller toes are healed while the ulcer on my big toe is getting smaller.   the wound may be healed by next week.  Once it's healed, the first thing I'm planning to do is to hop into the bath tub and take a nice long soak.
We've decided to get botox injections to help my left shoulder.  I was weary of this at first but the doctor convinced me it's safe and will help.
I get to see Tomoka on the computer almost everyday.. talking to her is usually the best part of my day.  I sent her some silk pajamas for Valentines Day.  even better, she's coming to visit April 16th!  she'll be here for 2 weeks and we're excited.
I have some wonderful friends.  They take me out to eat occasionally (when I get stir-crazy) and give me advice about married life and immigration procedures.  I'm looking forward to visiting Frank and Rosa's next.  Jacob (another wonderful friend) is being generous and giving me a kilt which should be awesome.  I begged Justin and he's sending me a one-handed keyboard.. I hope it's easy to learn.  Markus is giving me some work to help keep me occupied and ensure I don't forget everything.

So basically that's what's happening in my life right now.  thanks for reading

- jamie

Thursday, January 3, 2008

happy new year and big news

Wow! that week went by quickly.  A lot has happened so I'll get straight to it.  Christmas was a joyous affair. Tomoka likes the diamond earrings I gave her and the platinum doesn't trigger her metal allergy so that's good.  I'm enjoying my presents (xbox!) very much.  Everyone was very generous and I feel blessed.  We managed to get out of the house a few times.  The Smiths were kind enough to host a party with great food and company including a few people I hadn't seen in years.  We visited Sarah and Marc and the boys a few times.  Henry is simply adorable and Oscar is sweet too -  though I'm a little worried he wants to steal Tomoka from me.
I did accomplish my goal to get up the stairs.  It's wonderful to sleep in my own bed again.
The other big change happened last night.  I proposed to Tomoka and SHE SAID YES!  We still have to work out all the wheres and whens.  I'm feeling euphoric and a little overwhelmed.
Animink is sending me some work to do at home and I'm looking forward to it.
My next goals are to continue working on balance and walking.  I want to thank you all for your prayers and concerns.  I've been blessed with more support than I deserve and owe a debt of gratitude to you all.
With much love,
